From global conflict to cost of living pressures, from pandemics to injury, from isolation to unemployment, and much more, the list of traumatic events that a person can face can seem overwhelmingly endless.
We can lose hope... for ourselves, and for our families.
We can lose sight of the gift that is life.
Everything we do at Paper Kite is designed to enable us to be the most resilient, mentally fit versions of ourselves that we can be so that we are equipped to deal with the traumatic events that come our way, to retain hope, and to maximise this gift that is life.
Through a combination of science, practices, treatments and guidance, we work side by side with our clients in the continual development of their resilience, mental fitness and wellness in order to realise their life aspirations
The butterfly undergoes one of the most significant transformations in nature in order to achieve its beauty.
We have chosen the symbolism of the Paper Kite butterfly for its strength, fragility and beauty, and for the imagery that it evokes in our minds.
Our hope is that it will inspire possibilities for ourselves and our clients as we continually strive to maximise our human experience, and to become the versions of ourselves that we dream we can be.